HindeSight Investment #105 October 2023 - Newsletter & Podcast - READ HERE
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It is almost 20 years since I was in Israel but the current conflict brings back memories. As a single man, travelling alone, I was quickly identified as such upon disembarking from the plane in Tel Aviv, on my way to Jerusalem to see some friends who were there having medical treatment for their son. In a private room, two IDF soldiers asked me why I had come to Israel, having established I wasn’t Jewish.
I replied that since the violence of the early 2000’s second Intifada had died down, I had decided to visit, keen to understand the culture and see the historic country and its sights.
“We have been at war every day since 1948, remember that” one of the soldiers remarked. That comment echoes strongly with the recent outbreak of war.
While the extensive news coverage of the initial Israeli horrific tragedies has been followed by Israel’s terrible bombing campaign of Gaza with the growing death toll on the Palestinian side, the pro-Palestinian demonstrations across the globe are a worrying escalation.
I imagine that the masses are typically uninformed of all the vagaries of history, but I am somewhat surprised with the extent of demonstrations.
Assuming that some of the news is real, rather than the “fake news” propaganda that all wars seem to generate, with today’s media ability worse than before, forming an objective opinion must take into account the history, circumstance and actions.
The attacks by Hamas militants/terrorists-whatever the BBC wants to refer to the group as, were made without warning on unarmed civilians with innocent women and children being murdered as a result. The response by Israel has been a potentially indiscriminate bombing campaign, again where innocent women and children are being killed in Gaza. The only opinion that a sane person could form is that any form of extremism and resulting conflict sees tragedy and even in 2023, our inability to cohabit our small planet in peace is still impossible.
There is documented evidence of Jewish persecution for almost a 1000 years, with European and Russian pogroms from 1180 to the 1900s, prior to the Third Reich’s Holocaust and extermination of six million. Prior to 1917, the area of Palestine and Israel was under the control of the Ottoman Empire for several centuries before the post WW1 settlement saw Britain assume the mandate for Palestine. The Balfour declaration of 1917 stated that there should be a safe Jewish homeland, which eventually led to the creation of Israel in 1948. The 30-year mandate of Britain, from 1917-1948 saw Arabs and Jews, fighting each other and fighting the British until the British pulled out and there has been conflict ever since.

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