HindeSight Investing - An Over The Shoulder View
How does it work?
HindeSight Letters is an educational newsletter that gives an ‘over-the-shoulder’ view as our money managers and trademarked AI look at the markets and choose what to put into our Portfolio #1.
We write about money, and we tell our paid subscribers when our main portfolio, Portfolio#1, changes with any additions or subtractions from that account.
The process is very simple, and has been working for over seven years. You can see our historical data below
We’re proud of this data as we’ve educated people into understanding how and when to add shares with more Green than Red on view, you can make up your own mind about the effectiveness of what we’re doing.
For those that sign up, we send messages for when our Portfolio#1 changes. We make changes when our AI says there’s something happening, then our advisors look at it, and they make a judgement call - the perfect marriage of man and machine.
This alerts you to our positions changing so you have a full picture of what we are doing, and when.
Subscribers get a newsletter every month that details not just the share (or shares) we chose to add or close positions on, but also a macro view and Investors Insights on different ways to invest and historical information on investing that’s pertinent to learning about money.
The important part here is we give you information/education. That’s it. What you do with that is completely up to you.Â
We only talk about high end UK shares in the FTSE 350 (the top 350 businesses in the UK) there’s no pump and dump, no penny shares, no obligation to act on anything we say, you’re left to your own devices to agree or disagree. But you’ll learn what we’re doing by seeing it in real time, with the benefits of serious money management pedigree to help understand the why’s and when’s. You’ll also see what the outcome of the decision we have made, good and bad, laid bare in our history of trading. So if you choose to follow us or not, you’ll see what’s happening with the decisions we are making.
• Add & Close alerts for our Portfolio #1 detailing what we are adding, at the time we are adding it.
• The full, current, monthly newsletter
• Historical newsletters with Investment Insights that are worth checking back on.
Free Subscribed
Content that’s been pre-published. Most of our newsletter is of a time and place - the shares for the month and the macro view of the world on investing. Some of it is investing gold though, Investment Insights is an evergreen insight into themes, practices and methodology that will stand the test of time and is very much worth checking out.